What We Do

Green Rose Financial Services Ltd provides a personal financial advice process specialising in wealth management, investment and retirement planning, wealth creation and preservation.

Typically, Green Rose clients have upwards of £250k of investable assets such as pensions and investments.  Our clients' liquid assets can be between £250,000 and £2million and this is our target market.  Typically, our clients are either retired or approaching retirement (45+), and their primary financial issues include retirement planning i.e. securing enough money in retirement (capital and income), getting a good return on their investments but with a level of controlled risk, and succession planning i.e. what happens, on death, to their family, loved ones and their estate. 

Ours is a demonstrable high value and cost-effective service. We work with clients within approximately an hour's travelling time or remotely, to define and develop their overall financial planning goals, offering real value over the long term.

If you feel we may be suited, we would be very happy to have a sensible conversation in the comfort of your own home or work (at our cost) to see if Green Rose can help you. This is usually preluded with a telephone conversation to determine whether a meeting will be of mutual value. If you have old plans or investments we can review these for you and ensure they still meet your needs.*

As a prospective client if you'd like to discuss this further or make an enquiry please feel free to email me or call my mobile direct. We are open from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

We know from our clients that we're good at what we do. 99% of our clients said we offer excellent or good service. 100% say they would recommend us to others, and many have!**

We are proud of the value we offer and of our reputation for consistently excellent customer service.


Jason Green ACSI, CeMAP, DipPFS, EFA

Office: 01440 821 062

Mobile: 07917 715 854


* We do not deal with defined benefit or final salary pensions, for example Government, NHS or Teachers' pensions, which require a specialist in this area.

**Information taken from clients' responses on questionnaires during the period July 2012 and October 2023